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For businesses using BigCommerce as their eCommerce hosting platform, and are in need of recurring billing functionalities, Rebillia offers a fully embedded, built-in, experience with a deep integration into BigCommerce’s native functionalities to achieve a cohesive, user friendly, enterprise-level subscription experience.

Rebillia on BigCommerce

With 7+ years of experience serving BigCommerce merchants – we know what a a BigCommerce merchant needs.

Whether you choose to enjoy the simplicity of our “Plug & Play” integration OR are looking to unleash the full power of customization using our best-in-class RESTful APIs, Rebillia delivers powerful and clean engagements to build, maintain and scale your subscription business.

With the highest number of reviews and a 4.58 star average, Rebillia is the #1 rated subscription provider for BigCommerce! See what everyone is saying –> BigCommerce Apps – Rebillia Platform

System Compatibility

BigCommerce is a platform that strives to always be on top of technological advancements. As such, there are a lot of different store configurations available on BigCommerce, some are not compatible with Rebillia. The following will list what store configurations Rebillia is compatible with.

ProductProduct Edit v2 (Also known as “Options & Option Sets”) Compatible with limited functionality.
– Product Edit v3 (Also known as “Variants & Modifiers”) Fully Compatible.
Product Details Page – Fully Compatible.
Checkout PageOptimized one-page Checkout – Fully Compatible.
Regular/Custom one-page checkout – Compatible with limited functionality.
Custom Checkout (Using SDK) – Mostly compatible. Depends on customizations made.
Theme FilesBigCommerce Provided Themes – Compatible with all.
Custom Developed Themes – Shown great compatibility with most.
CurrenciesAll Currencies – Fully Compatible.
GatewaysAuthorize.NET – Fully Compatible.
Braintree – Fully Compatible.
Stripe – Fully Compatible.
Square – Fully Compatible.
CustomerBigCommerce Customer Accounts – Fully Compatible.
“My Account” Page – Fully Compatible.
Address Book – Compatible with limited functionality.
Multi Storefront– Fully Compatible.
Customer Groups– Fully Compatible.
Headless SolutionPDP – Fully Compatible.
Account Page – Limited Compatibility.
Checkout – Limited Compatibility

Integration Guide

Warning! – This guide relies on your Rebillia account being fully configured already with currencies, gateways, routing, and more. Do Not proceed with this guide until all the previous steps have been completed. To know exactly what needs to be done prior to this guide, follow our “Go-Live Checklist” documentation page.

Furthermore, make sure you have gone through the system compatibility notes above and verified you do not use anything that compromises compatibility. Don’t hesitate to contact us If you have any questions or need clarifications

The below will provide a step-by-step guide detailing how to integrate Rebillia with your BigCommerce store and how to test the integration is working once it is done.

  1. API Account As Rebillia’s integration is API-based, a proper API account will need to be created by the BigCommerce store owner. To create an API account:
    • Navigate to Settings –> API Accounts and click the “+ Create API account” button on the top-right corner of the screen.
    • In the page that opens, make sure the Token Type remains on the default V2/V3 API token, Give a name to this account (normally the name would be something like “Rebillia”) and make sure to set ALL of the oAuth Scopes to the highest level access available. The highest level of access is always the box that is outmost right.
    • Once the account is created, you will get access to special keys that you will need to insert into Rebillia. This interface can not be accessed again once closed, so make sure to copy all of the information and save it onto your computer or keep the page open until we are done.
  2. Register a ‘Sale-Channel’ in Rebillia With the API account keys available:
    • Go to Rebillia’s “Sale Channels” section, enter the BigCommerce channel manager and click the “Get Started” button (or just click here).
    • Use the keys you got from the API account to fill up the Auth Token, Client Id and Client Secret, the store or business name for the Display Name field and your BigCommerce store hash for the Store Hash field.

      To find your BigCommerce store hash, navigate to your BigCommerce backend and look at the URL bar (the bar at the top of the browser that shows you the website address). All BigCommerce stores have the same URL structure: store-*HASH*.mybigcommerce.com. The cluster of characters and number right after “store-” is your hash.

    • Click the “Save” button. If all was done correctly, Rebillia will generate a sale channel record.
  3. Implement the integration code With the Sale Channel registered in Rebillia, all that is left is to place Rebillia’s integration codes in your BigCommerce store:
    • Right under the name of the sale channel, there will be a “Public Key” title with a long code. Copy the code and save it for later.
    • Go back to BigCommerce and navigate to Storefront –> Script Manager
    • We will first create a new script for a jQuery library that Rebillia uses, so create a new script and insert the following settings:
      • Name of Script – jQuery for Rebillia
      • Description – Can leave empty
      • Location on Page – Head
      • Select pages where script will be loaded – All pages
      • Script Category – Essential
      • Script Type – URL
      • Load Method – Default
      • Script URL – https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js
    • Click the “Save” button on the bottom-right.
    • We will now create a script for Rebillia’s codes, so create a new script and insert the following settings:
      • Name of Script – Rebillia JS Connector
      • Description – Can leave empty
      • Location on Page – Footer
      • Select pages where script will be loaded – All pages
      • Script Category – Essential
      • Script Type – Script
      • Script Contents –
        <script id="rebillia-platform-connect" src="https://code.rebillia.com/bc/v6/js/connector.js?consoleIsEnabled=1&publicKey=ENTER_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE"></script>
        Before you save, take the public key code that you copied in the first step and replace it with the part that says”ENTER_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE”. Make sure to not remove the quotation mark in the end.
    • Click the “Save” button on the bottom-right.
  4. Sale Channel SettingsNow that Rebillia and your BigCommerce store are connected, we need to finalize the integration by setting up the “What” and “How” of the integration. To do so, navigate back to the BigCommerce channel manager (here), click the configuration button on the top-right corner of the channel and select “Settings” from the dropdown. The sale channel settings will contain the following to be configured:
    • Account Creation – Should Rebillia create customer accounts in Rebillia for accounts that do not yet exist.
    • Order/Invoice Statuses – Select which status to apply to your BigCommerce orders by Invoice status in Rebillia.
    • Shipping Service – Select the default shipping service to apply when subscriptions don’t get a specific shipping service applied to them.
    • Tax Service – Select the default tax service to apply when subscriptions don’t get a specific tax service applied to them.
    • Staff Message – Select and specify what message Rebillia should apply to orders.
    • Storefront Settings – Select the Rebillia JS version you want to apply to the store. Recommended to keep it on the highest JS version.
    • Checkout Settings – Configure whether you want Rebillia to engage only in checkouts that have a subscription or for all checkout processes (remember – Rebillia provides card vaulting for free).
    • Enrollment Settings – Configure how Rebillia should interact with subscription enrollment purchases.
    • “Cart has Subscription” Message – Set the message you want Rebillia to display in your checkout page if a visitor is trying to purchase a subscription as a guest.
    • Payment Gateway List – Select all payment gateways you want to enable Rebillia to work with in your store.
    • “Control Panel” Navigation Links – Set which links you want to display for your customers and what should the links say.
    • Customer Control Details – Select which actions can customers take on their subscriptions.
    • Customer Groups – Associate subscription plans with “Customer Groups” in BigCommerce.
    • Cart Actions – Select how Rebillia should interact with your cart.

Congratulations! Rebillia is now integrated with your BigCommerce store.

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