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Patch Notes


Starting April 2023, this page contains the details of every Rebillia update release and its important content. For version control and backwards compatibility, this page will also track which public app versions are supporting the updates.

Patch 41

New Features

Reset “Integration Run” for failed order creationWhen working with an external sale channel (like an eCommerce platform or an OMS), sometimes Rebillia is not able to create the external order (for various reasons). When that happens, the external order creation goes into a daily retry process. This release allows company users to override the daily process and have the system try creating the order immediately (within a 5 minute span).

For detailed information, refer to the External Orders documentation.
Cancel Rate PlanInstead of needing to cancel each Charge in the Plan, Rebillia now offers the ability to cancel the Plan itself and all of its Charges via one button click.

For detailed information, refer to the Managing Plans documentation.
“Subscription Bags” management tools – first releaseWe are finally starting to smell the end of this cool side project! And with the smell, come the releases. The first two releases for our “Subscription Bags” feature are:
– Delete empty bag.
– Rename your bag.

To review the subscription bags features, refer to the Subscription Bags documentation.


“Select a Company” search barScrolling through a long dropdown list to find the company you want to login to (yes, we are looking at you – partners!) is not fun – so we added a search bar input field to search the company by name, instead of by eye!
Main navigation expanded by defaultIf there was one request made more times than any other, it is having the side navigation menu open by default. We never thought it would be so impactful – but we are just the developers, not the users!

From now on, the side navigation menu will be open by default, and FYI – we are tracking if you close it!
“Save & Edit” new productYou know the feeling that you create a new product, and want to see your creation? So apparently, we didn’t give you this satisfaction…. NO MORE! With this update release, we have added a “Save & Edit” button at the end of creating a new product, so your dreams could come true.
Billing Operation “Set Date”Our daily operations have been manually executed more than we could ever imagine they would, and with that came a limitation we didn’t think we’d need to address – manually consuming an operation will delay the next operation by 1 day.

To combat that monstrosity, we are now giving you the ability to not only set the time of day you want the operation to execute, but also the date you want it to execute on.


Can’t add new card with Stripe in Rebillia manager interfaces.Fixed
Can’t add new card with Square in Rebillia manager interfaces.Fixed
Linked product variants/modifiers not removed when switching linked product.Fixed
Deleting toggleable elements (SMTP/Notification) does not remove them until page is refreshed.Fixed
Selected industry is not selected by default in “Profile” page.Fixed
Can’t edit notification subject because preview text is required.Fixed
“Declined” transactions have no colored label.Fixed
“Ended” Charges have no colored label.Fixed
Overlay modals width increased by content.Fixed

Patch 42

New Features

Bulk Publish/Disable Rate PlansThis request actually came in from one of our own account managers (Matt), asking for an easier way to publish rate plans on a product. From now on, instead of publishing each plan separately, you can engage the expendable bulk checkboxes on the left side of the item to issue bulk commands.

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plans documentation.
Customer Control Panel – Update Card Billing Address / ExpirationMust be one of the highest requested tickets in the history of Rebillia, or even since the invention of sliced bread! Customer can now edit their existing cards on file, updating their billing address and/or their card’s expiration date.

To review this feature, refer to the Customer Control Panel documentation.
Customer Control Panel – Add new card/address directly from subscription.Another highly requested item in our bucket list has made its way to production, and now customers don’t need to interact with their address book or their payment methods to change a card/address on a subscription anymore. From now on, customers can add a new card/address and assign it to a subscription directly from the subscription record itself!

To review this feature, refer to the Customer Control Panel documentation.
Manually link Rebillia account to sale channel accountFor our sale channel users that just love to take new customers over the phone and immediately generate them in Rebillia – we have added the ability to manually link a Rebillia generated account to a sale channel account, so the customer could login to your store and view and manage their data easily!

To review this feature, refer to the Sale Channel Linking documentation.


Push gateway transaction ID to saleChannel orderMore and more 3rd party applications (like OMSs, Fraud Detection apps etc) are looking for specific information in orders to do their tasks. To provide more clarity and allow these systems to do their job, Rebillia will now pass the gateway transaction ID to every order it generates in a sale channel.
Push Rebillia IP to sale channel recurring ordersContinuing from the previous point, Rebillia will now pass its IP to every recurring order it generates in a sale channel.
Text clarity update to Invoice view.A small, yet hoping to be effective, update to a text in our invoice details page. Instead of reading “(x) Payments Collected”, it will now read “(x) Transactions Processed” – not implying the status of the transactions as “collected” even though the could be declined.
Payment Operation “Set Date”After getting a lot of positive feedback from last patch’s update to the “Billing Operations”, we have released a complimentary update to match the functionality for our “Payment Operation” and complete the “set date” updates for our daily operations.


Can’t add new card with Square in BigCommerce “Payment Methods” interface.Fixed
Square payment form in checkout has a 100px empty space above it.Fixed
Address line 2 not sent properly sometimes to sale channel orders.Fixed
Shipping name not send properly sometimes to sale channel orders.Fixed

Patch 43

New Features

Hide Wallet buttons in checkout with subscriptionFollowing BigCommerce’s update to the checkout page, loading the smart wallet buttons on the top of the page, our team has released an update to hide this section when there is a subscription in the cart, preventing customers’ ability to purchase a subscription with a payment method that is not compatible with Rebillia.
Added display for Invoice sources.Invoice source is now available to view in our API for better visibility and tracking of invoice creation sources.

To review this feature, refer to the Invoices documentation.
“Free Trial” starting ruleOur regular “schedule starting date” feature has been working really good for free trials, but it was impossible to tell the difference between a bonafide free trial charge and just a charge with a scheduled run. So we have released a virtually-same feature specifically for free trial tracking.

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plans documentation.
Support PIN rolloutAs demand grows in our system and not everyone is recognizable by name anymore, we have rolled out the ol’ trusted support PIN, so you could identify yourselves with our team in times of identity crisis.
customers can “Charge Now” their plansApparently, if your customers want their subscription expedited, scheduling their subscription to run tomorrow is not good enough – so now we give them the ability to “Charge Now”.

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plan Charges documentation.
Plan cancellation actionWe have added the ability for “Owner” role users to cancel their Rebillia account.

To review this feature, refer to the Staff Users documentation.
Send Rebillia Invoice ID to BigCommerce orderTo increase relationship and visibility between Rebillia invoices and BigCommerce orders, Rebillia now sends the corresponding invoice ID to the BigCommerce order it creates.


Send Rebillia invoice ID to gatewayGateway transaction details will now contain Rebillia’s Invoice ID, for better visibility.
Overdue invoices can be cancelledUsers can now cancel overdue invoices, even if they have failed transactions attached to them.
Add “One Time Purchase” rate plan by defaultAs “One Time” is a staple plan that shows in almost all products, our team decided to make it a default plan with every product. You can always delete it or edit it, but it is there for when you want it.
Allow user to send test emailThe email builder’s built-in “send test” is not working… what do we do?! – create our own! Now you can issue a test mail from Rebillia.


Automatically set frequency option as “Rebillia Option” when manually linking external product.Fixed
Disconnect Rebillia when checkout has no subscription and total is $0.Fixed
“Transaction amount is bigger than balance due” error.Fixed
Not all shipping methods load into the subscription “shipping” selector interface.Fixed
Incompatible payment methods show in cart for guest edge caseFixed
When coupon is added before checkout and total is $0, Rebillia still requests payment methodFixed

Patch 44

New Features

Set manual tax to rate plan chargeCompany users can now manually set a tax rate to rate plan charges to have the exact tax rate they want to charge each specific rate plan charge item.

To review this feature, refers to the Tax documentation.
Update company cardCompany users can now update their company card’s details (billing address & expiration date).

To review this feature, refer to the Billing documentation.
Change company cardCompany users can now change their company card.

To review this feature, refer to the Billing documentation.
Stripe UK-based “bacs_debit” supportRebillia now supports processing “bacs_debit” payment tokens in Stripe.
Cancel individual rate plan chargeCompany users can now allow their customers to cancel individual rate plan charges inside their rate plans.

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plan Charges documentation.
Pause SubscriptionSubscription plans can now be paused and continued by both the customer and the company user.

To review this feature, refer to the Subscription Overview documentation.


BigCommerce “Bulk Pricing” rule supportWe have strengthened our support of BigCommerce’s pricing rules and included “bulk pricing” into our list.
“Switch Plan” mapping improvementsWe have made some improvements for our sale channel users, so that switching plans with linked external products will honor the previous plan’d meta data (such as quantity and charge date).
Rebillia account cancellation restrictions updatedFrom now on, only OWNER role users can cancel the Rebillia account.
Trying to manually charge invoice with expired cardWe have added a restriction and a visual queue when trying to charge an invoice with an expired card, to prevent mistaken failed transactions.


Prepaid cycles tooltip calculation is wrong.Fixed
“Starting Date” delay rule not applying proper delay.Fixed
User invitation emails sometimes tagged as potential spam.Fixed
Grid data columns clash and overlap on small screens.Fixed
“Charge Now” sale channel text fix.Fixed

Patch 45

New Features

Revamped ReportsWe have made some improvements to our existing reports, as well as introduced a couple of new reports (“Paused Plans” report, “Plan Details” Report).
“Pause Plan” Dunning End ActionAdded a new end condition to our dunning process to allow to pause plans.

To review this feature, refer to the Dunning documentation.
“Paused Plan” NotificationAdded a new notification for plan status change to “Paused”.

To review this feature, refer to the Notifications documentation.
View Plan HistoryWe’ve cleaned up the plan pages and create a new view to see plan history for each plan in the subscription bag.
Plan Counters Per ProductViewing our product page, Rebillia will now show the count of plans for each product.

To review this feature, refer to the Managing Products documentation.
Link Images to Rate Plans and Rate Plan ChargesCompany users can now link images to their Rate Plans and Rate Plan Charges for use in email templates, sale channel interface display etc.
Link Manual Subscriptions to Sale ChannelAdded a new input dropdown to select a sale channel to associate the subscription to when creating a subscription manually in Rebillia.
“Tax Inclusive” sale channelTo extend our support with tax inclusive billing, Rebillia now allows to set a sale channel as tax inclusive as a whole.

To review this feature, refer to the Tax documentation.


Account/Billing Interface UpdatesPlan data, details, current order, order summary, company payment method and invoice history sections have been revamped.
Updated content for reportsOur “Cancelled Plans” and “Active Plans” reports have gotten a content update.
Better error messaging for smart routingFor companies dealing with advanced routing, we’ve improved our communication in the app interfaces.
Revamped interface for customer permissionsWe have transformed the long list of checkboxes to group-based sections with easier to understand text and explanations.
Dashboard counts active plans instead of bagsWe’ve seen the error in our ways. Counting bags doesn’t help as much as knowing how many active plans you have!
“Subscriptions” Page now displays Rate PlansJust like our update to the dashboard, viewing rate plan data directly [instead of through bag data] is much better, so now – the subscriptions page loads rate plan data directly
Redesigned Notifications PageWe have made some visual updates as well as organizational updates to our notifications page to make it easier to find the events you are looking for.
Information display restructureTo make it easier to navigate through subscription data, we’ve made several updates that will provide more information upfront and organized better.


$0 checkout through coupon discount didn’t show proper payment form.Fixed
API response changed variable type from INT to FLOAT.Fixed
“Upcoming Charges” report showing months in past instead of future.Fixed
Account/Subscriptions pagination not working.Fixed
Paused plans don’t have a status label.Fixed
“Sent Test” notification should not display for inbox notifications.Fixed
Card Edit functionality shows as available for Square cards, even though it shouldn’tFixed

Patch 46

New Features

Merge all plans in checkout to one bagWhen a customer purchases multiple rate plans in the same checkout process, Rebillia will merge all rate plans into one subscription bag.

To review this feature, refer to the Subscription Bags documentation.
Gateway Environment ControlAdded ability to set the environment of the gateway between Production and Sandbox.
Set “View Plan Details” as Open By DefaultAdded the ability to set the plan details view to open by default in sale channel interface.
Specific Day Of Year functionalityAdded a new functionality for our “Year” based frequencies, allowing to select a specific date in the year the charge will execute.

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plan Charges documentation.
Advanced “Upcoming Deliveries” ManagementAdded 5 possible customizations to each upcoming delivery: skip, change item price, change shipping price, change shipping address, and change payment method.

To review this feature, refer to the Upcoming Charges documentation.
List of Subscribers Per ProductEach product page now has its own “subscriptions” sub-page that shows a list of all subscribers to this product.
“Ship by Quantity” shipping methodAdded new shipping method to allow to set shipping rate by quantity of items in order.


Search Bars functionality improvedWe have both fixed a couple of search bugs as well as incorporated more allowed search items to our search bars.
Manually added subscription redirects back to customer pageInstead of redirecting to the subscriptions page, we now redirect back to the customer account page.
“Switch Plan” plan selectionsFrom now own, this feature will only display plans that have at least one recurring charge in them.
Error message updatesWe have updated several error messages for better communication.
BigCommerce customer control panels interface updatesWe have made several updates to the BigCommerce customer control panel interfaces.
Gateway name displayed in transaction gridEach transaction now shows which gateway it was processed with.
Character limit for input fields has been increased.Throughout the app, we have increased the character limit for input fields, for items like product name, plan name, customer email, street 1 address etc.


User account verification email not sendingFixed
Voided invoices stay on status “Paid”Fixed
Transactions fail due to gateway not accepting more than 2 decimal pointsFixed
Next bill date not showing for manually created subscriptionsFixed
Manually created plans don’t get charges created for them.Fixed
Can remove card that is associated with an active subscription bagFixed
Stying issue with address when updating card details in Rebillia appFixed
Edit external product of disabled sale channel is stuck in spinningFixed
Activity log pages take loo long to loadFixed
Publishing rate plan fails but showing as if it was successfulFixed
Integration run fails to update order status in BigCommerceFixed

Patch 47

New Features

“Reactivated Paused Plan” notificationNow, customers can get a confirmation email, letting them know that their paused plan has been reactivated.

*A little scoop – we are working on a mechanism to limit the time a plan can remain paused and allow you to force the plan to reactivate itself.

To review this feature, refer to the Notification documentation.
“Request Payment Method” notificationWe have not anticipated the sheer amount of missing payment methods we will interact with when migrating users into Rebillia, but because this feels needed – we’ve created a notification just for it.

Furthermore, Rebillia will now send this email automatically when a subscription is created without a payment method.

To review this feature, refer to the Notification documentation.
Only charge invoice if external order was successfully createdWe have added a new functionality to our invoice-to-order service. When using our “Create order when invoice is on status POSTED” and the creation of the order fails, Rebillia will not try to bill the invoice until the order is successfully generated.

This helps tremendously with inventory management issues and data validations (like “does this customer even exist in BigCommerce?”).
“Usage Based Billing” subscription ruleOur featured update thus far for 2023 – usage based billing is now available in Rebillia. You can now bill for whatever you want to count or quantify!

*This is an advanced billing feature that is not included in our base services and plans.
Allow to add CC and BCC to email notificationsApparently, our beautiful notification bell is not good enough for you guys, so we have added the ability to set CC and BCC email addresses to each one of our notifications.

To review this feature, refer to the Notifications documentation.
Allow to edit modifier display nameNot all published material is final. Feel free to make changes to the way you introduce your rate plans on your product pages.
Bulk Action – Sync Product Rate Plan Charge data to all existing Rate Plan ChargesBy default, all active subscriptions are grandfathered and will not be affected by any changes you make to your product. This new feature gives you the ability to apply changes made to your product to all existing subscribers.

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plan Charges documentation.
Bulk Action – Link/Unlink external product to/from Rate Plan ChargeDiscontinued items don’t mean the end of the subscription anymore! You can now edit which product is linked to each charge item and apply this change to all active subscriptions. Now that’s BC;DR for you!

To review this feature, refer to the Rate Plan Charges documentation.
Added new activity log for switching plansPlan switching is now logged in the activity log.
Added the ability to create an external order from an invoice in RebilliaWe have added the ability to generate external orders from any invoice in Rebillia, so that you could create custom invoices for your customers and have them translated to orders in your sale channel.
Product Rate Plans now allow quantity controlWe have now added the ability to preselect the quantity of a charge item to be rebilled on subscription.
Product publishing procedure updateFrom now on, products could only be published if they have at least one published Rate Plan.


Improved display of prepaid plan data in customer control panelsPrepaid plan data will now display with more prepaid related information for the customers to have clarity about their renewal terms – “renews mm/dd/yyyy at $X”.
subscription specific MRR value now gets updated once a dayThe MRR column of our subscription specific table has been static for long enough – no more! From now on, every change you make will impact and display the update of the MRR.
Shipping address now sent to gateway with transaction detailsEven though a transaction does not require a shipping address, we hear that you guys want it for some reason.. so, we did it for YOU (yes, you know I’m talking about you!).

From now on, Rebillia will send the shipping address from the subscription to the transaction request in the gateway.
When disabling a RP, Rebillia does not remove the option from the product anymore (to prevent issues with order creation). Instead, it hides the option from the storefront.We have made a procedural update to the status of a Rate Plan.
New notification variables have been added.The following notification variables have been added to our system:
Frequency, Next charge date, Charge image, Charge status, Product name, Plan name, and Plan status.

As each account manages their own templates, we did not make a push of template updates, so these variables are not yet in use in any of the existing notifications.
Character limitations have been updated to allow longer name items to store without getting truncated.You are now able to enter product names up to 255 characters long, so feel free to go crazy with your naming conventions!
Inbox notifications only display notifications from last 7 days.When a notification is left unread in a user’s inbox for more than 7 days, it will automatically be marked as read and be removed from the unread list.
Plan history now displays the user that made the change.Our plan history will now indicate which user made the plan update on the subscription.
Added default value to custom tax code option.No need to break your head trying to figure out what to enter in the “customer tax item code” field anymore – we got you with a default value that is general enough to work for everyone!
Upcoming deliveries now considers number of billing periods left when displaying upcoming records.For subscriptions with an expiration date or a capped amount of billing periods – Rebillia now illustrates when the subscription ends by displaying upcoming records according only up to the expected end date of the subscription.
Allow to edit gateway settings in smart-routing to add/remove/edit sub-account.Users can now interact with the gateway sub-account in Rebillia’s “Smart Routing” interface to add/remove/edit their configuration.
Improved logic of sending sale channel order ID -OR- Rebillia invoice ID to gateway.A big update we have done to data communication with gateways. From now on, when Rebillia creates an order in the sale channel before it charges the invoice – it will communicate the sale channel order ID to the gateway.

*For reference – if the invoice is billed first and then the order is created, Rebillia will send the Rebillia invoice ID to the gateway.


Text update for “ship by quantity” shipping method.Fixed
Notification channel passwords not hushed in interfaceFixed
“Update Product” button now saves changes made on product details.Fixed
Tax now applies properly when switching between rate plans.Fixed
Manual tax now displays properly in the interfaces to be used.Fixed
“Archived” status plans no longer appear in the “charge now” interaction.Fixed
“Cancelled” status plans no longer appear in the “charge now” interaction.Fixed
Subscription activity log loading issue fixed.Fixed
Issue with adding new company card fixed.Fixed
Editing card expiration date will not display anymore for Square cards.Fixed
Checkout with GooglePay issue has been fixed.Fixed
Edit shipping address control has been fixedFixed
Subscription page search bar fixed.Fixed
Clicking on a subscription name from the product page now redirects to the subscription properlyFixed
Fix transaction details page loading issue.Fixed
customer addressbook not loading when editing billing address was fixed.Fixed
Invoice counter and LTV calculation issue fixedFixed
Switched plans counted as cancelled plans in metrics issue fixed.Fixed
shipping name not passing to order issue fixedFixed
optional modifiers are treated as required in Rebillia issue fixed.Fixed
Tax quantity calculation issue fixed.Fixed
Charges with delay rules are now getting the delay applied properly.Fixed
Avalara toggle on error “connector is disabled” issue is fixed.Fixed

Patch 48

New Features

Data Grid ExportBy clicking on the download icon on the top-right of a data table, users are now able to export the current view of the data to CSV. This feature supports filters and search results, meaning you can create a custom output of information and then export it.

As we anticipate some exports to contain a lot of data, the preparation of the CSV file will be done in the background and will not affect the ability to navigate the application interfaces.

Once the download is ready, you will receive a notification bar on the top of the page with a link to download the report.
ShipperHQ Integration**BETA VERSION**
A very popular, highly requested integration. Use ShipperHQ to get live shipping quotes for your subscription recurring orders.
Manually Enforce GDPRWe have added a new customer management button to the “Manage Customer” dropdown to enforce GDPR onto a customer’s account.

Note that Rebillia will replace all unneeded PII (Personally Identifying Information) with non-PII (emails will be replaced with “[email protected]” for example) data, but will keep any PII that is required to keep running subscriptions or record historical invoice data.
Sync External Product Options To Rebillia**EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE**
For companies using a sale channel integration and managing a product catalog external to Rebillia, we now offer the ability to synchronize data from the external product into the Rebillia product, to make sure external orders could be created properly.
Select the Display Style of Subscription Option in Sale ChannelFor companies using a sale channel integration and publishing subscriptions onto a product catalog external to Rebillia, we now offer the ability to select the display style (radio buttons, dropdown, swatch etc…) of the subscription option on your external product.
Select Wether the Subscription Option is Required or Optional.For companies using a sale channel integration and publishing subscriptions onto a product catalog external to Rebillia, we now offer the ability to select wether the subscription option is required or optional.
“Charge Now” feature available in management app.As the “Charge Now” feature for the customer self-serve interfaces has been a great success, we have now added the ability for company users to issue a “Charge Now” to a customer’s subscription from the staff management interfaces.
Discontinue Rate PlanRebillia now offers the ability to discontinue a Product’s Rate Plan. By discontinuing the plan (1) The option to purchase this plan will be removed from the product, and (2) all subscriptions on this plan will be cancelled. Discontinued plans CAN NOT be reactivated.
Customer Store Credit**BETA VERSION**
Customers can now be assigned store credit in their profile, and store credit can then be used to fulfill recurring orders.

At this version of release there is no communication of store credit values between Rebillia and sale channel customer accounts, so we can not use store credit from the customer’s profile in the sale channel yet.
USAePay Gateway IntegrationOur payment integrations team has developed and released a new gateway integration – USAePay. The integration provides all of the standard gateway functionality, from card vaulting through charging, refunding, voiding etc..
“15 day” & “30 day” Reminder NotificationsWe have added two new variants of our 7 day reminder email, to allow managing different timeframes as well as sending multiple reminders to customers.
Link/Unlink Subscription To/From Sale ChannelFor companies manually creating subscriptions in Rebillia that did not have a customer account on their sale channel, or only connect a sale channel later – Rebillia now offers the ability to manually manage the connection of a subscription to a sale channel.

Linking a subscription to a sale channel means that Rebillia will start creating orders in the sale channel as well as allow the customer to login to their account in the sale channel to manage their subscriptions.
Manually Send “Payment Request” EmailWhen a subscription is created without a card on file, Rebillia will automatically send an email to the customer asking them to add a card on file to their subscriptions. As this doesn’t always work first time – we’ve added the ability for company users to manually trigger this email again to a specific customer.


Added More Tag AssociationsSubscription pages will now show the assigned payment method and sale channel as tags, for easy association of data.
New Offline Payment MethodsDue to demand and requests, we have added more options to our Offline Payments section.
Added Tooltips throughout the application.To improve the usability of the app, we have started adding tooltips next to feature titles to help explain the related functionality.
Credit Card Editing in App InterfacesCredit Cards can now be edited by company users to allow updating billing address and expiration dates from within the staff management interfaces.
Changing Card On File For Subscription Now Updates Card On Open Invoices.From now on, when a customer updates the card attached to their subscription, the card will also update on any open, un-billed, invoices this subscription has.
Cancellation Event Log AddedRebillia will now display event logs for plan cancellations, so cancellation time of a plan could be viewed and tracked by company users in the management interfaces.
Improved Logic For “Charge Now” Next Date CalculationWe have updated the logic of calculation of the next charge date upon using the “Charge Now” feature so that it will calculate the next charge date according to the date the feature was used, and not according to the original schedule.
Allow to Deselect Optional Options When Editing External ProductsWhen editing an external product on a specific subscription charge item, company users are now able to deselect and leave optional options empty.


Can’t set shipping price to $0 with advanced upcoming feature.Fixed
General 400 error when editing Product Rate Plan.Fixed
Usage-based Plan Charge not getting proper price type ($/%) assigned.Fixed
Tax calculated wrong when coupon applied to checkout order.Fixed
Notification variables not properly populating.Fixed
Product options “not found” when loading linked external product interface.Fixed
Intermittent issues with payment form not opening in checkout with new card.Fixed
Removing a delay from a Plan Charge doesn’t actually remove the delay.Fixed
Plans page filter not working.Fixed
Can’t unlink sale channel product from Rebillia product after published and purchased.Fixed
Can’t update Plan Charge item when subscription status is “Request Payment”.Fixed
Whole Rate Plan gets cancelled when one-time charge executes, even if there are active recurring charges.Fixed
Checkout orders do not get gateway transaction ID to display in order details in sale channel.Fixed

Patch 49

New Features

Subscribe directly from product page

This feature will allow customers to sign up to subscriptions directly from the product page, instead of needing to add the product to cart, proceed to checkout and purchase it.
Set charge item as a GIFT ruleWhen creating a plan that should contain a gift item, companies want to make sure customers can not tinker with the gift item (skip, reschedule, edit quantity etc.). To that purpose, we have created a new rule for the rate plan charges. Once a charge is set as a gift item, customers won’t be able to manage the gift item independently.
Daily operation notificationsCompany users can now turn on internal notifications, which will trigger our system to send daily emails with all of the tasks that have been processed (invoicing, billing, order creation and dunning).
Notification channel default valuesEach notification channel now has the ability to accept default values (logo, name,  email, and phone). These default values will be automatically entered into any new notification template generated in the system, so that company users won’t need to enter them manually per every template.
Product bulk PublishWhen a new line of products is released and injected into Rebillia, publishing one-by-one is time consuming. We have released a control to bulk publish products and their plans.
Link manual invoice to sale channelManual invoices can now be linked to a sale channel, which will in turn allow the functionality to create an order from manually generated invoices in Rebillia.
Subscription minimum commitment Subscription plans can now get assigned a time based minimum commitment requirement, preventing customers from being able to cancel their subscriptions for a certain period of time since subscribing.
Create account in checkout without redirecting away from checkout pageWhen a guest is trying to purchase a subscription, Rebillia requires them to login to create an account. From now on, customers won’t need to leave the checkout page to create their account, but could create the account as they are checking out.
Rate Plan TemplatesTo streamline the process of product creation and configuration, Rebillia now allows company users to create, manage and set plans as templates and use them for new or existing products.
Manually Re-Run daily payment operationFor days that things just didn’t work out properly (API issues, gateway issues, Rebillia issues), company users can now manually rerun a daily payment operation to have Rebillia re-execute everything that is still outstanding.
Plan status tag for self serve interfacesRebillia now displays status tags for customers to better understand the status of their plans.
Added control for checkout order statusRebillia now treats checkout orders separately from recurring orders when setting default order status in the sale channel.
Experimental Features control pageRebillia now allows companies to join in to try new experimental features.
Paypal Commerce IntegrationRebillia now supports “PayPal Commerce” as a payment gateway for credit card transactions.
Move plans between bagsCompany users can now freely move plans from one subscription bag to another. This will allow the company user to control which plans are gathered together into invoices.
Report an IssueRebillia now allows customers to report an issue directly from the app interface.
Group plans to existing subscription bag when applicableWhen a customer completes a checkout purchase with subscription items, Rebillia will search to see if a subscription bag with the same configuration already exists (same card, same shipping address). If it does, Rebillia will add all new purchases to the existing bag instead of creating a new one.


External Intervals now have their own statusGiving external intervals their own status bar will allow companies to understand the status of publishing subscription plans to an external sale channel product.
Cancel Prepaid plans from Rebillia backendOur team has updated some conditional logics to now allow company users to cancel prepaid plans for their customers.
Display subscription bags without a card in self-serve interfacesCustomers will now be able to see subscription bags that are inactive due to missing payment method to be able to insert a payment method and activate the subscription.
Stripe API version updateA continuous task to maintain the latest compatibility with our integration partners.
Unlink all charges when unlinking a productCompany users no longer need to first unlink external products from the plan charges to be able to unlink the product itself. From now on, by unlinking the product, Rebillia will unlink the charges automatically.
Unlink external customerCompanies can now reset the link between a Rebillia customer account and a sale channel customer account.
Added transaction fail reason to transaction detail pageFor more clarity of why transactions have failed, we have added more detailed description from the gateway into the transaction details page.
Manage store credit in manual invoicesWe have added the ability to apply/remove customer store credit to a manually generated invoice in Rebillia.
Improvements to sale channel orders pageWe have made improvements on both the filters and the search bar systems for better filtering of the page.
New status bar color schemeWe have recolored all of our status bars in hopes to make it pop out and clearer.
Improvement to data sent to Authorize.NET gatewayRebillia now sends more information to the gateway, like customer name, email, shipping address, etc.
Send tax provider to BigCommerce orderTo help BigCommerce decipher their own logs better, we have updated our payload when creating orders in BigCommerce to also include a “tax provider”.
More months added to report exportingWe have extended the period of months that Rebillia allows to get reports for.
Better grid navigation and usabilityWe have added a couple of new features to our data grids, to make them more user friendly. (1) Pagination is now also controllable on the top of the data grid (2) Rebillia will now store the current page that is viewed to be able to get you back to the same page you just left instead of starting from the first page every time (3) Grid filter will now display total number of records, and not limited by current page view.
A Rebillia identifier was added as meta data to BigCommerce orders’ “external_source” field.For companies using the API to manage their orders externally from BigCommerce, Rebillia has added metadata values to allow to identify recurring orders more easily.
Advanced Upcoming feature improvementsWe have revamped all of the advanced upcoming features.
Skip/Reschedule self serve functionality improvementsWe have made several improvements to this feature to provide better overall experience to the customer.
Order ID will be communicated to gateway for checkout purchasesWhen customers complete a checkout transaction, Rebillia will send the order ID to the gateway.
Change payment method on open/overdue invoicesWhen a customer updates the payment method on their subscription, Rebillia will also update the payment method on all open/overdue invoices generated for this subscription.
Added control for partial refund status in sale channelRebillia now supports “partial refund” order status in sale channels.
Display SKU based images when customer manages subscription product detailsWhen customers edit their subscription product details and are moving between SKUs, Rebillia will now load the proper SKU image to display to the customer.
Filter products by sale channelCompany users can now filter the products page to view specific sale channel product lists.
Make the product name in a subscription linkable to the product pageNow, when viewing a customer’s subscription – by clicking the product name, you will be redirected to the product page.
Merge customer accountsRebillia now allows company users to merge multiple customer accounts into one.
CyberSource revamped integrationOur team has been working hard on revamping our integration with CyberSource to provide the latest technology and capabilities. It is now live!


Duplicate Square checkout form displaying in checkoutFixed
Invoice prices not rounded to 2 decimal pointsFixed
Pagination not working in billing interfaceFixed
Strings with apostrophe causes issues in customer sideFixed
Integration Run errors look like code and not textFixed
Free shipping rule overrides flat rate shippingFixed
Checkout JS “removeClass is not a function” errorFixed
Collect payment button style issue for offline paymentsFixed
Can’t create subscription with offline payment and no sale channelFixed
Issue with $0 subscription checkoutFixed
Can’t track invoice creation issues. Need better logs.Fixed
Product importer not taking product dimensions into considerationFixed
Can’t enter new card for the Rebillia BillingFixed
Can’t link external product if it doesn’t exist in RebilliaFixed
Rate Plan images are not loading to the ‘upcoming schedule’ interface in the self serve interfacesFixed
User never gets auto logged out from the systemFixed
Next charge dates in product/subscriptions page is wrongFixed
Safari login interface bugFixed
Paused plans are showing as cancelled in bag summaryFixed
Disabled plans are showing in cart page “edit product”Fixed

Patch 50

New Features

New Invoice “Type” FieldThis feature will allow company-users to see what is the type of the generated invoice. This new type field will be shown both in the invoices grid and in a particular invoice page as well.

The New Invoice “Type” Fields are defined as follows:
1) Manual – An Invoice Generated Manually by a Company-User on the Rebillia App.
2) Enrollment – An Invoice Generated from a Customer on Checkout which includes at least one new Subscription Plan.
3) Online – Invoice Generated from a Customer on Checkout which does not include any new Subscription Plans.
4) Renewal – Invoice Generated which associated by a particular subscription item. The Invoice can get generated either by a company-user on the ChargeNow button or by the Rebillia System during a Bill Run.
Customer Priority Payment MethodsBy visiting their respective payment method management portals, customers and company users can now set priority tags to their payment methods.

We will allow merchants and customers to set both a Primary Card to be used when billing/creating a subscription order and a Secondary Card to be used a secondary option in case the first card fails.

Setting priority order for cards will also be available for company-users to use in their “Account/Billing” page. The Primary Card will be the card a company-user would like Rebillia to bill their account and the Secondary Card will be failsafe a company-user would like Rebillia to try to bill their account next if the first card fails.
Create a subscription plan for a customer directly from the product pageCompany-Users can now add subscriptions directly from the Product Page. Rebillia will automatically assign the “Product” Category to whatever product the merchant was in and the merchant would then only need to specify the “Customer” , “Rate Plan”, and “SalesChannel” they would like the subscription to have before creating the new product
Create new “Modifier Rules” when linking a productNow when both linking a product to a company-user’s saleschannel and importing/linking a product through the “Product Importer”, a merchant can add a modifier discount rule directly from both areas listed above

There’s a new option called “Set Modifier Rules” in both the “Link {product} with a SalesChannel product” and “Create Product Importer Task” pages respectively.

When clicking on the “Add Rules” button located on next to item on the right, the interface will open up a new section containing
i) Rate Plans under a section called “When these are selected”
ii) Rule Option with inputs for “Add/Remove”, a numeric value, and “$(Price)/%(Percentage)” all under a section called “Make these changes”.

A user can add/delete as many rules as they want but the rules themselves will not be published until

i) the Channel itself has been successfully linked with the Rebillia Product
ii) the Rebillia Product itself has been published

After the following above has been done succesfully, A customer will have their pricepoint changed the Customer Checkout page when selecting the new configured options
Show shipping method on subscription and invoice pageWe’ve added a feature to allow company-users to see which shipping method is connected to both an invoice and a subscription on

1) The Subscriptions Grid
2) The Invoices Grid
3) Next to a Subscription on a “Main/Subscription” Page
4) Next to an Invoice on a “Main/Invoice” Page
Add ability to set default value for a modier when linking a productFound in the same section mentioned above for creating new modifier rules, company-users can now set a default plan on modifier for a product in Rebillia when

i) Linking a SalesChannel product in Rebillia
ii) Importing a new SalesChannel product from the “Product Importer”

In the sections for “Linking {product} with a SalesChannel product” and “Create Product Importer Task” respectively, there’s a new section called “Set Default Plan to Product” which a merchant can enter the default option for the modifier

Like the “Modifier Discount Rules” listed above, a company-user will only see an update to their changes once they have i)successfully linked the product to the saleschannel, ii)published the product in Rebillia


Better Routing/Navigation of Active Item on Rebillia AppWe’ve improved the routing of the “Active” Menu Item to support jumping from one “main/{component}” item to another
Update to “Rateplan Charge” text in Invoices to show product nameProduct Name is now shown in the Invoice Detail Section instead of the Subscription Name
Add a Plan Template to a Product in the “Create New Product” PageCompany-Users can add a pre-set Plan Template as a new RatePlan when creating a new product
Text Update to “Account/Invoice” PageWe’ve updated the text in the “Account/Invoice” page to give company-users a better understanding of the following items
i) Charges & Credits
ii) Invoices
iii) Transactions
Changed Order of “Transactions” to be DescendingTransactions are now ordered by transaction_id in descending order
Make “Modifier Display” Name required when linking a saleschannel to a productWe’ve made the display name required so company-users are not forgetting to enter the field and create problematic modifiers in the SaleChannel Page
Added New Filter of Company_Name in the “Accounts” GridWe’ve added a new filter to both create and search by company_name for customers in the “Account” Grid.
Interface Improvements to Product Importer PageWe’ve made a small interface change to add new plans and plan templates from the bottom section after creating a new plan/template
Show the Saleschannel connected to a product when creating a new plan/subscriptionCompany-Users will now see the Saleschannel connected to a Rebillia Product when/in
i) the “Create a New Subscription” Page, when searching for a particular product, a sales channel tag will appear next to it
Update Card and Billing Address for Rebillia Billing when adding/editting payment method in “Account/Billing” PageChanging/adding cards/billing-addresses in the “Account/Billing” page will automatically update the information in the Rebillia Billing System.
Interface Improvement to “Report an Issue”We’ve added a new “Document” Icon to replace “Report An Issue” option for company-users
New variable types for “Voluntary Cancellation” NotificationWe’ve added the variable to add a customers full name when sending a notification for voluntary cancellation
Improvement to Search-bar when a filter is applied to a data gridNow when a particular filter is applied in data grid, using the search bar will not override the filter applied on the product
Improved Error Messages on StorefrontThere are more detailed error messages if an error occurs for a customer on the storefront/account page.


Invoices stayed in status “Posted” even when the balance was 0Fixed
Interface fix to the Order of Elements in the “Saleschannel/Orders” pageFixed
Load of Company “Free Shipping” Method in RebilliaFixed
Shipping Charge in Invoices Rounding UpFixed
Updating Payment Method on Open Invoices not allowed if not card is associatedFixed
Allow search by customer first and last name in Manual MergeFixed
Update card on subscription to the new merged account after a mergeFixed
Subscription Status listed as “cancelled” if one rateplan is cancelledFixed
Filters for Subscription w/Errors generate error messageFixed
Rateplan Charge Tax divided by 100Fixed
Updating Quanity in Storefront also updates the priceFixed
Manual Merge option only loads first 20 recordsFixed
Allow Search by customer full name in “Active Plans” datagridFixed
Subscription Prices do not accept type “float”Fixed

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